Search for tag: "table"

Identifying solutions to a linear equation in two variables

A demo that shows how to substitute possible x-y ordered pairs into an equation to find out whether they create a true statement, determining which are solutions and which are not.

From  Tom Grant 26 plays 0  

Table for a linear equation

Shows how to find outputs for several inputs reslulting in a set of points (x, y)

From  Tom Grant 10 plays 0  

Table for an exponential function

Shows how to plug in the given x--values and get values for f(x) = b^x

From  Tom Grant 10 plays 0  

Table for a linear function

Describes how to find output values for a function given a list of iinput values and a table to complete a set of ordered pair values. Also mentions what function notation means and how to work with…

From  Tom Grant 14 plays 0  

Graphing a linear equation of the form y = mx

Demonstrates how to graph this tyep of equation by finding three points, but also how you can find just one point and use the slope "m" to find others.

From  Tom Grant 56 plays 0  

Graphing a parabola of the form y = ax^2 or y = ax^2 + c

How to graph these special parabolas

From  Tom Grant 19 plays 0