Adding ratioinal expressions with quadratic denominators requires factoring each denominator so that the LCD can be determined. Then each fraction is exapanded by…
An example that is easy to combine with subtraction, in this case, because the two fractions have common denominators. However, be aware that there may be a way to…
This demonstrates adding two rational expressions that have different terms individually in the numerator and a common denominator. When the fractions are added, it…
This shows how to determine a common denominator when the denominators share at least one factor. A numerical version is included for more understanding, and the…
A subtraction of fractionso where the denominators have no factors in common so we simpllly multiply the two together to create the LCD. Then both fractions are…
This example shows how to factor each denominator and then determine which of these factors are needed to create the least common denominator (LCD). Then the fractions…
Simplifies a complex fraction by distributing the LCD of each small fraction across the top and the bottom so that all small fractions can be swept away.