This shows how to determine a common denominator when the denominators share at least one factor. A numerical version is included for more understanding, and the rational expressions are added and…
This demonstrates adding two rational expressions that have different terms individually in the numerator and a common denominator. When the fractions are added, it creates the possibility of adding…
This shows four examples just to cover a variety of "looks". There is at least one of each tyoe,
This shows both a subtraction and an addition example for finding the sum and difference of two trinomials.
A short demo of this rule
Some discussion of vocabulary combined with writing a simple expression from a verbal description.
A more complicated version of solving an equation. It specifically addresses dealing with two variable terms on the same side of the equals sigh.
A simpler version of an equation that needs distribution across a set of parenthese as the first step to solving for the variable
A short and simple demo about adding like variable terns that are together on one side of the equals sign in an equation.
It's just what the title says. We use opposite operations on one side to eliminate values that are with the variable and perform the same operations to the other side of the equals sign to keep…
A short demo involving subtracting whole numbers from both sides of an equation. There are two examples.
This describes how integers interact when combined, treating minus signs as a negative sign on the number and thinking that all of the integers are being added with negatives and postives working in…
Shows how square rooting is the opposite of squariing
This demonstrates the squaring of a binomial with radical terms and the multiplication of conjugates (sum and differences of the same terms)
Two examples showing the addition or subtraction of like radicals
Shows how to manipulate fractional exponents in variou sways