Search for tag: "monomial"

Dividing rational expressions involving multivariate monomials

A quick justification of dividing fractions by…

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From  Tom Grant 6 plays 0  

Square roots of a perfect square monomial

Shows how to create squares under the square root…

+21 More
From  Tom Grant 16 plays 0  

Complex fraction involving univariate monomials

An explanation of two single fractions divided…

+23 More
From  Tom Grant 11 plays 0  

Factoring a product of a quadratic trinomial and a monomial

A two step process is shown here. First, as…

+25 More
From  Tom Grant 29 plays 0  

Multiplying a multivariate polynomial by a monomial

Demonstrates how to multiply a single term by an…

+17 More
From  Tom Grant 21 plays 0  

Multiplying a constant and a linear monomial

Simplication of a single term, i. e. factors that…

+23 More
From  Tom Grant 10 plays 0