Search for tag: "lots"

Table for a linear equation

Shows how to find outputs for several inputs reslulting in a set of points (x, y)

+16 More
From  Tom Grant 10 plays 0  

Solving for a variable in terms of other variables using addition or subtraction: Advanced

Describes how to rearrange a simple formula with several variables so that a different and particular one is isolated.

+22 More
From  Tom Grant 9 plays 0  

Solving a one-step word problem using the formula d = rt

A simple word problem to get us started with "distance equals rate (or speed) times time.

+24 More
From  Tom Grant 15 plays 0  

Distributive property: Whole number coefficients

Two examples of how to distribute

+14 More
From  Tom Grant 23 plays 0  

Signed fraction division

A couple of examples that combine sign combinations for diviision and using Keep/Change/Flip to convert fractioinal division to multiplication.

+19 More
From  Tom Grant 13 plays 0  

Division involving zero

A quick lesson on what happens in a division problem that includes zero as one of the numbers

+22 More
From  Tom Grant 17 plays 0