05:25duration 5 minutes 25 seconds
Solving an equation of the form x^2 = a using the…
Solving an equation of the form x^2 = a using the square root property
Discusses the square root property, then encourages the viewer to write a list of perfect squares in the marginfor reference. Lasly, three examples are presented and solved.
01:15duration 1 minute 15 seconds
Writing a one-step expression for a real-world…
Writing a one-step expression for a real-world situation
Some discussion of vocabulary combined with writing a simple expression from a verbal description.
02:54duration 2 minutes 54 seconds
Least common multiple of two monomials
Shows how to create the simplest expression both of the given ones divide into.
02:04duration 2 minutes 4 seconds
Average of two numbers
Just add the two together and dvide by two, but this is also handy to find the halfway point between two numbers on a number line.
06:47duration 6 minutes 47 seconds
Order of Operations Explained with Examples
This video explains why the order of operations needs to be the way it is, and then gives some examples of its use.