A The key to solving this kind of equation is multiplying through by the least common denominator to eliminate the fractions first, Then it is a matter of combining like terms on one side of the…
Two examples are shown here, one relatively easy, then one with some fractions involved.
This shows how to transform all given equation that are not in slope-intercept form and then pick out the slopes of all three given lines and compare them to see if they are parallel, perpendicular…
The informaton given here can be entered directly into the y = mx + b or slope-intercept form. Then the y-intercept is used as a starting point where you apply rise over run to the given slope to…
Here we solve a rational equation by multiplying each of the terms in the equation by the LCD of all of the fractions. This allows us to divide to one all of the factors in the denominators and the…
Shows how to find a common denominator to use as a multiplier for each term in a rational equation (an equation with fractions) to then eliminate the denotminators and the result will be a more…
Demonstrates simplifying fractionis within fractions.
Talks about how to interpret the words to create two equations, then solves them together using the elimination method, making opposites of one variable's terms sot that the equations can be…
Demonstrates how to make t his graph per instructions, and also shows how to deal with a fractional leading coefficient.
Demonstrates how to solve a standard form equation for y to get the slope-intercept form y = mx + b
A second video describing how to find x- and y-intercepts.
Evaluating a variable expression when you know specific number values for each varible.
A couple of examples that combine sign combinations for diviision and using Keep/Change/Flip to convert fractioinal division to multiplication.
Some examples of what to do when subtracting a negative number and more examples of adding or subtracting fractions
Just showing how to locate different fractions on a number l ine
This video covers the method stated in the title. If you have a