Search for tag: "h."

Solving a word problem using a quadratic equation with irrational roots

Shows how to substitite the given value for the …

+25 More
From  Tom Grant 42 plays 0  

Solving for a variable in terms of other variables in a linear equation with fractions

This describes the process of solving for a…

+24 More
From  Tom Grant 22 plays 0  

Finding a final amount in a word problem on exponential growth or decay

This demonstrates how to write the function that…

+16 More
From  Tom Grant 7 plays 0  

Word problem involving radical equations: Advanced

This shows how to insert the given value into a…

+23 More
From  Tom Grant 91 plays 0  

Solving a value mixture problem using a system of linear equations

Demonstrates how to read and understand the…

+25 More
From  Tom Grant 16 plays 0  

Variable expressions as inputs of functions: Problem type 1

Shows how to input an expression in place of the…

+13 More
From  Tom Grant 43 plays 0  

Identifying functions from relations

Discussion of what relations and functions are…

+22 More
From  Tom Grant 32 plays 0  

Solving for a variable in terms of other variables using addition or subtraction with division

Another in a series aobut solvingi equations with…

+21 More
From  Tom Grant 22 plays 0  

Solving for a variable in terms of other variables using multiplication or division: Advanced

A second example of how to use multiplication or …

+17 More
From  Tom Grant 21 plays 0