Search for tag: "fourth"

Solving a quadratic equation by completing the square: Exact Answers

Two examples are shown here, one relatively easy, then one with some fractions involved.

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From  Tom Grant 6 plays 0  

Multiplicative property of inequality with integers

This states the Multiplicative Propery of Inequality, then demonstates how it works with two examples.

+19 More
From  Tom Grant 18 plays 0  

Table for an exponential function

Shows how to plug in the given x--values and get values for f(x) = b^x

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From  Tom Grant 11 plays 0  

Rational exponents: Products and quotients with negative exponents

Shows how to manipulate fractional exponents in variou sways

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From  Tom Grant 10 plays 0  

Rational exponents: Unit fraction exponents and bases involving signs

Two examples of how to deal with fractional exponents on negative numbers.

+22 More
From  Tom Grant 10 plays 0  

Product of a unit fraction and a whole number

This demonstrates how to write a wholel number as a fraction, then how to reduce t he two fractionis before you multiply the numerators and denominators together to get the result.

+22 More
From  Tom Grant 22 plays 0