Two examples of distributing radicals into a sum of other radicals and simplifying in the process.
Describes how to approach solving a radical eqaution, then demonstrates the stepss needed. It finishes with a check of the answers, stressing that this is an essential step.
A short discussion of how compunde interest works and why the amount in a compound interest account grows more and more quickly.
Shows how to substitite the given value for the output variable, then rearranges the resulting equation in standard form. Values for a, b, and c are identified and then entered into the quadratic…
Shows how to create common bases so that then the exponents can be set equal to each other and that equation can be solved.
This shows how to simplify square roots in an additon problem so that hopefully you get like terms and con simplify further.
A subtraction of fractionso where the denominators have no factors in common so we simpllly multiply the two together to create the LCD. Then both fractions are adjusted by multiplying each…
This talks about why we need two equations to solve for two unknown values, and then demonstrates how to add two equations together to eliminate one varaible and solve for the other one, then find…
This shows the method of using the point-slope form to write the equation, then solving that form for y to get y = mx + b.
The informaton given here can be entered directly into the y = mx + b or slope-intercept form. Then the y-intercept is used as a starting point where you apply rise over run to the given slope to…
Another demo on how to use the y-intercept to start a graph of a linear equation and then use the slope to find other points on the graph. It finishes with showing the line representing all of the…
This explains how to use the slope and y-intercept to determine points on the line graph of a linear equation in two variables and then draws the straight line graph.
Presents a compound inequality where both sides have to be solved for the variable first, and then shows how to graph the simplified results
Shows one example of solving a iinear inequality in two steps.
This states the Multiplicative Propery of Inequality, then demonstates how it works with two examples.
Shows how to take the descriptive set builder notation and write a roster set to represent the same one.