The key to solving this equation is eliminating the fractions first by multiplying by the least common denominator and dividingout equal factors. Note that the integer term must be multiplied by…
Demonstrates how to solve for a variable under the radical that needs to isolated first after entering the given value for the other variable in a formula.
Describes how to approach solving a radical eqaution, then demonstrates the stepss needed. It finishes with a check of the answers, stressing that this is an essential step.
Shows how to shoose appropriatate input values to find five points, then plot them and draw the graph.
Starts with cautiioning against multiplying the factors back together and describes the zero product property to justify this warning. Then shows how to continue from the factored form to separate…
This demo discusses how to set up two equations to solve the situation described, and then choose the best method to use to solve for each of the variables.
This talks about why we need two equations to solve for two unknown values, and then demonstrates how to add two equations together to eliminate one varaible and solve for the other one, then find…
Describes how to rearrange a simple formula with several variables so that a different and particular one is isolated.
Squaring both sides of this equation means squaring a binomial. This is demonstrated by this video.
This demonstrates how to solve an equation where two radicals are equal and there are no other terms on either side of th equation
Two examples that show different possible results from solving a radical equation. You must always check the answer to these.
This one demonstrates how to eliminate the rational parts of the equation as usual, then gather the terms with the chosen variable on one side of the equal sign so that it can be factored to one…
Here we solve a rational equation by multiplying each of the terms in the equation by the LCD of all of the fractions. This allows us to divide to one all of the factors in the denominators and the…
Single fractions set equal to each other forms a proportion. When presented with this, it can be "cross multiplied" to eliminate the fractions. The resulting equation has a term with the…
Demonstrates using factoring skills to separate and identify all of the necessary factors that make the LCD (Least common denominator) that can be used as a multiplier through a rational equation to…
Shows how to find a common denominator to use as a multiplier for each term in a rational equation (an equation with fractions) to then eliminate the denotminators and the result will be a more…