This shows how to use the LCD of the two fractions that form a proportion to simplify the equation to a quadratic equation, then solve the quadratic by factoring and check the validity of the …
Discusses the square root property, then encourages the viewer to write a list of perfect squares in the marginfor reference. Lasly, three examples are presented and solved.
A The key to solving this kind of equation is multiplying through by the least common denominator to eliminate the fractions first, Then it is a matter of combining like terms on one side of the…
Two examples are shown here, one relatively easy, then one with some fractions involved.
The key to solving this equation is eliminating the fractions first by multiplying by the least common denominator and dividingout equal factors. Note that the integer term must be multiplied by…
Starts with cautiioning against multiplying the factors back together and describes the zero product property to justify this warning. Then shows how to continue from the factored form to separate…
This shows the method of using the point-slope form to write the equation, then solving that form for y to get y = mx + b.
This video describes why the method for finding the intercepts works, then demonstrates finding the intercepts for an example equation and graphing its line.
Shows how to interpret a verbal description into an mathematical equation.
This demonstrates two ways of dealing with a literal equation that has parentheses which adds an extra step in the process in the first method, bu t not the second.
An examplel of how to rearrange a formula to better suit its particular purpose. Often we need to do this because it is easier to rearrange it once instead of having to solve for a variable each…
A somewhat fancierversion of seveal solving equation versions that should help solidify the process in your mind.
A short demo involving subtracting whole numbers from both sides of an equation. There are two examples.
Squaring both sides of this equation means squaring a binomial. This is demonstrated by this video.
This radical equation when sqaured to eliminate the sqaure root creates a quadratic equation that can then be solved by factoring.
This one demonstrates how to eliminate the rational parts of the equation as usual, then gather the terms with the chosen variable on one side of the equal sign so that it can be factored to one…