Search for tag: "distance"

Solving a radical equation that simplifies to a quadratic equation: One radical, advanced

Describes how to approach solving a radical…

+25 More
From  Tom Grant 17 plays 0  

Word problem involving the Pythagorean Theorem

Application of the equation relating the three…

+24 More
From  Tom Grant 23 plays 0  

Solving a distance, rate, time problem using a system of linear equations

Rate X Time = Distance problems are best…

+24 More
From  Tom Grant 30 plays 0  

Vertical Line Test

This demonstrates why and how to use vertical…

+16 More
From  Tom Grant 279 plays 0  

Writing an equation and drawing its graph to model a real-world situation: Advanced

Shows how to interpret a situatioin and create an…

+26 More
From  Tom Grant 103 plays 0  

Solving a distance, rate, time problem using a linear equation

An introduction to distance, rate, and time…

+24 More
From  Tom Grant 22 plays 0  

Solving a one-step word problem using the formula d = rt

A simple word problem to get us started with…

+24 More
From  Tom Grant 15 plays 0