Search for tag: "calculations"

Solving a radical equation that simplifies to a quadratic equation: One radical, advanced

Describes how to approach solving a radical eqaution, then demonstrates the stepss needed. It finishes with a check of the answers, stressing that this is an essential step.

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From  Tom Grant 16 plays 0  

Identifying numbers as integers or non-integers

A brief description of what integers consist of followed by a list of numbers where it is decided whether each is an integer or not.

+19 More
From  Tom Grant 7 plays 0  

Simplifying a quotient involving a sum or difference with a square root

Demonstrations that emphasize the fact that a fraction bar acts like parentheses in that the each part of the fraction must be factored so that there is a product of factors on both top and bottomof…

+19 More
From  Tom Grant 19 plays 0  

Synthetic division

This demonstrates why symthetic division works when dividing by a simple binomial as in x + a or x - a. Then it shows how to fill in the answers for this type of question.

+24 More
From  Tom Grant 16 plays 0  

Dividing a polynomial by a monomial: Univariate

Shows how to distribute a division like you do with multiplication when there is one term being distributed.

+19 More
From  Tom Grant 40 plays 0  

Solving a linear inequality with multiple occurrences of the variable: Problem type 2

Describes the steps inn solving a somewhat complicated inequality, and reminds you of two things. 1) Inequalities are solved like equations except one thing. 2) That is that you must remember when…

+26 More
From  Tom Grant 20 plays 0  

Translating a sentence by using an inequality symbol

This just describes how to translate a statement in words using the symbols for greater than, greater that or equal to, less than, and less than or equal to.

+15 More
From  Tom Grant 66 plays 0