Search for tag: "c."

Solving for a variable inside parentheses in terms of other variables

This demonstrates two ways of dealing with a literal equation that has parentheses which adds an extra step in the process in the first method, bu t not the second.

From  Tom Grant 6 plays 0  

Identifying functions from relations

Discussion of what relations and functions are and then some exapmles of how to indentify if a particular relation is more specifically a function.

From  Tom Grant 30 plays 0  

Writing equations of lines parallel and perpendicular to a given line through a point

Need the videos for finding tej slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines before viewing this one. This shows how to get the infromation needed for fulling in the point-slope form. You can leave…

From  Tom Grant 38 plays 0  

Finding slopes of lines parallel and perpendicular to a line given in the form Ax + By = C

Shows how to convert Ax + By = C to y = mx + b then what and why the slopes for parallell and perpendicular lintes are what they are.

From  Tom Grant 20 plays 0  

Combining like terms: Whole number coefficients

An introduction to adding like terms to simplify expressions

From  Tom Grant 10 plays 0