Discusses the square root property, then encourages the viewer to write a list of perfect squares in the marginfor reference. Lasly, three examples are presented and solved.
A brief informal reasoning of why any division can be changed to a multiplication by reciprocating the second number or fraction, i. e. the number going into the other number. Then an example of…
A qucik example of applying the qoutient rule for exponents and the definition of a negative exponent.
A short example of how the power rule works.
This shows how to decide whether you are seeking a maximum or minimum value for a quadratic function and then how to find the vertex of i ts parabola to deternine the x-value that locates the min…
Squaring both sides of this equation means squaring a binomial. This is demonstrated by this video.
This demonstrates creating a multiplication in the numerator of a rational expression that will allow the expression to be reduced by dividing like factors to simply one
Some simpler examples of square root multiplication
A quick run through the use of a^2 + b^2 = c^2 to find an unknown side of a right tirangle if we know the other two sides.
A two-step process involving first removing the greatest common factor from both terms, then factoring the resulting difference of squares.
A short example of how to deal with a fraction raised to a negative power.
Explains the reason why exponents are multiplied in a power of a power situation, then simplifies two examples.
Describes a situation that can be written as a function of the number of weeks a certain amount it saved and the resulting functional value is the amount still needed to be saved to buy something. …
Explains the pitfalls that you need to know about to correctly do this problem. It is not as easy as it seems at first glance, so pay close attention to this video.
Another in a series aobut solvingi equations with multiple variables, this time taking two steps to do it/
Solving for a variable inside parentheses demystified.